Step 1
First you choose if you like tobuild your own B·O·B·3
or if you like to use an
already assembled one

Step 3
Here we go! At www.ProgBob.orgthere is a programming tutorial waiting
for you. With this tutorial you can
learn step by step
the basics of programming!

What's next?
B·O·B·3 teaches you textual codingin C/C++. You can use
this knowledge everywhere else!
What's your next project?
Sources of supply
B·O·B·3 and the ProgBob helmet are available at reichelt elektronik, at ELV Elektronik, at Pollin Electronic, at and at BRACK.CH! You can get the ready assembled B·O·B·3 SMD edition at Pollin Electronic.School packages are available on
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